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Are you prepared for water infiltration or a power outage?

Downpours on sidewalks causing water in basements,

Electrical brownouts and powerline failures,

Subzero temps and a pipe bursting melee,

Kitchen sinks dripping and warped oak flooring,

These are a few of my favorite things! Wait no, that's not right. These are a few of my worst nightmares. You don't have to spend a fortune to have a basic level of preparation for your home in the event of water infiltration or a power outage. Here are a few of my favorite things:

1. Wayne WaterBug Glow submersible water removal pump+AUTO-OFF feature. Connects to standard garden hose.

2. Rigid Cordless Wet/Dry Vac runs on batteries so you can keep removing water even when the power is out.

3. StreamLabs leak detection. Uses radar tech to alert you to a possible leak - not a valve shut-off though.

4. Ring Alarm Flood and Freeze Sensor - requires a ring security kit. Inexpensive but still effective.

5. Utility valve tags for water and gas. These can be home-made or purchased inexpensively.

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